Monday, August 8, 2011

Free internet in the lobby, should be an added bonus with the apartment

Yes, I discovered a while back that I can pick up the free internet connection from the Starbucks around the corner from my aunt's building when I sit in the lobby. This obviously is an added bonus for any New Yorker looking for that extra value in housing. They could include the internet access when marketing the good old "Clermont Towers" on the Upper Eastside. One problem, however, arose tonight when a lady walked by and told me how inappropriate she thought it was that I was using the lobby as my living room. I explained it was because of the free internet from Starbucks next door, but that failed to impress this person. I was Skyping with my kids. Don't see how that was so awful. In fact, I would imagine most people would think of it as cute, or clever that I was picking up the Starbucks wifi. It's not enough that we have to smell the roasted beans all the time in the lobby since they opened the bucks. The free internet is a nice trade off, right? In any case, I copped a big resentment towards this lady, but only had the courage to say that she was the only person to complain. In any case, she was a jerk.

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