Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Yorker drowns while vactioning in Hawaii

I'm always amazed how the local angle can bring a far-away story to a media outlet. The story can involve anyone. But make it a New Yorker, and that's all that you'll need to see the New York papers pick it up. Of course that's true in any place. Readers want to see if they know the people involved in a news report. And that's the case with me and the drowning woman I mentioned above. So, let me draw your attention to the unfortunate demise of Norka Villacort.

Norka was smart, savvy and well-connected in the financial world. She also was flirty, elegant and funny. A Peruvian by descent, I used to affectionately refer to her as "Peruvian Diva." But most importantly, she had a good heart, and the ability to listen and be a good friend.

I met her in 2010, during a big annual fundraiser known as Hedge Funds Care, where Norka literally dropped $2,500 on the spot to auction for a ring. What a rock too. She was having a good time that night, was a bit tipsy, and slipped on snow outside as we left to go share a cab. Fell right on her rump too, but took it in stride. Norka stayed in touch, giving me story ideas for the financial newsletter I currently write for, and offering a sympathetic ear during some hard personal times.

We met at restaurants and bars around New York and enjoyed hours chatting about hedge funds, relationships, and her sometimes exotic vacations. I wasn't surprised when I emailed her to say hello and she responded the following:

-----Original Message-----
From: Norka Villacorta []
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:21 PM
To: rortega
Subject: Re: Hedge Fund Alert

Thanks Ralph.
I'm in Hawaii this week so taking a little break now.

See you soon

Sent from my iPhone

She passed away about 24 hours later. Very sad. A great many people are missing her, both personal friends and professionals from her business circles. "There are a lot of people on our team who are lost right now. There's a huge void," said one of her bosses at the financial data company she worked for, Revere Data.

She'll be waked on Sunday. A service is to follow on Monday. Norka lived in Manhattan and had family in Queens. She very much loved her boyfriend. My condolences to all.

I never thought I'd be so saddened by the loss of someone from the financial world, which is almost all of the time all business. But Norka was one of those from finance who was all about personality, charm and being of service to others. She was a rarety.

Back from the brink

I have incredibly allowed more than a year to go by since my last blog entry. Blame it on a bout of insanity and self-absorption, partly due to a personal break up. But really, it was more about my own issues... fear, anger, resentment. Those demons are at bay now, thanks to a number of factors that have come into my life. The biggest being my days now spent in New York with friends and work. And my returns most weekends to my home in Pennsylvania, where I spend time with my four children. They are my precious ones.

So, I'm taking this opportunity to return to this blog, which I stumbled upon doing a Google search of myself. I was like, "Oh yeah, that thing, haha. I forgot about that."

So, "So, shall we begin?"